Job Scam
Alex Rock / Nickolasxy1/ Maksym Salenko

PseudonymAlex Rock / Nickolasxy1/ Maksym Salenko
Url / Website
Scam contentsJob offer regarding translating manuals from English into several languages on facebook MALTA expats page.

They send you a contact on telegram: Nicolas Smith (Nickolasxy1)
After the job, they ask you to open a bank account with Unity Crests Bank.
You get the salary transferred, for that they ask you to pay for a fee to a credit card holder as: Maksym Salenko (Kíev, Ukraine), 200$.

After that, to transfer your money with your home bank, they ask you to purchase a IMS code that costs randomly between 100 to 200 dolar or pounds, depending who you chat with in the online chat from Unity Crests Bank.
This time, 200 dolar fee. I took ages to get me back with the innformation detais and came out that were going to Indonesia (Jakata),
Comment / ReviewEven if I "only" lost the first 200$ fee, I think people should know about this scam because it's really well done. There are red flags to avoid, not so much in the beggining of the process..

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