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Comment / ReviewCe site de prêt à porter présente beaucoup d’anomalies je vous suggère de jeter un œil

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    • maxi 12/05/2024 at 08:04 AM

      If you had taken the trouble to apply "lesson 1 for novice webshoppers" (see if there is verifiable company data), you would have immediately seen that company data is missing. Then don't buy there, shops without company details are a SCAM. If this is too difficult, first check the terms of delivery. The delivery time here is 7-14 WORKING days so 9-18/19 days. If this is longer than a delivery time of a local order, it is clear that the products come from another continent.

      Now, all of this might be far too difficult for you. Then use at least one "checker site" such as

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