Job Scam +353899868455 Lara Santaren

PseudonymLara Santaren
Url / Website
Scamdoc Trust Score | Contact / Whois info
Telephone+353 89 986 8455 (ou 00353899868455) (Info / Risk score)
Scam contentsJob offer on behalf of MAJE fashion brand for a remote position at LinkedIn using MAJE FASHION, DA boutique ou SMCP
Email saying that you got the job and then presenting the agent that will training you but will contact by WhatsApp.
Lara Santaren is the “agent” then she explained that is a pay per view kind of business….bla bla bla
600€ per week and 1% of commission for daily sales.
Training day they will give you a give in money.
Using always a IBAN from Lithuanian, PAYSERA allegedly that payments are made from merchants and not from the company.
They will share a group with “all employees” then someone from this group will get your number and will text sending your opinion if this could a scam….acting like we are on the same side…and the rest is the the normal flow of the sc
Comment / ReviewNever believe on a job offer with no videoconfere and even for a remote position you will meet to talk and this will not be by WhatsApp or telegram.
No job will require you to make payments in advance…is you need to pay something they should give you.
Block them email and number also report job post to LinkedIn or other job website and also report to Ireland and Lithuania the WhatsApp numbers. If you get caught report to bank the iban associated and beneficiaries. Report website or work platform to google scam/ frauds.

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