Social Media Scam

Scam contentsFishing / pig butchering scam running on WhatsApp. Top up minimum £150 and trade with me.
Scenario is all the time exactly the same. You receive text msg or on mobile phone or via Telegram with greeting and inviting you on seme dinner, coffee etc. but on wrong name, if you respond they immediately with polite apologies to start conversation.
Shortly to ask you that we need to move on WhatsApp because this Telegram is Business account.
WhatsApp login~Alexa mobile number Ying ~Alexa +44 7852 929226
If I refused to top up and trade with good profit, scammer begin rude and aggressive to swear me, is frustrating ... I refused to play this because I have been already scammed $108,000! in Romance scam scheme. I will hunt all scammers on net till I die. I am like flycatcher for scammers, just approaching me another.
Comment / ReviewI want to both numbers scammer use must be displayed…
Promt advice with links on money sharks lenders ... go and borrow and start trade ...

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