Investment scam

Url / Website
Telephone+44 7888 034349 (ou 00447888034349) (Info / Risk score)
Scam contentspossing as a work website to drive up sales for other companies. paying by way of commission And basic pay. using USDT
Comment / Reviewthay work via WhatsApp and OKX platforms.

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      • Jo 11/27/2023 at 04:25 AM

        I confirm this is a scam. Quite complex and smart one.

        The website always goes under the Celigo name plus something else like "celigo-consolidated", "" or "" and changes its name frequently (daily basis).

        The scam is a "job-offer" crypto related scam paying out its "users" or rather victims in USDT crypto money. They use a website where sets of data are uploaded which have to be validated by the victim/user to obtain a commission (usdt). On top of that they promise a regular basic salary also in usdt (up to 1400 usdt per week, which is ridiculously high compared to the little work done).

        In order to validate such a data set and obtain the commission, you need to have a positive credit balance to validate the worth of the data product (the worth of the data that is to be validated is deducted from the balance and added back on once the data has been validated). However sometimes there are so called "merges". These combine several products that need to be validated and hence the combined price of those products reaches high values. That in turn makes your credit balance go negative. When the balance is negative it freezes your balance wallet. To unfreeze you need to transfer usdt's to your account (if your wallet balance is 100 usdt, you get a merge of three products for 80+20+30 usdt, your balance is then -30 usdt).

        These merges are "super rare" like they say. Now they happened to me rarely at first (first 2 days), but then suddenly when the stakes... Read more

      • Anon 12/22/2023 at 02:48 PM

        Just had a group of people try to run the same scam on me. As described in Jo's comment. This one was running from I was quite sceptical of their claim and once I was asked to deposit money in a crypto account after I ran into some "merges" which happened to put my account in debt at increasingly higher levels the more "salary" I was credited, I knew without doubt it was a scam.

        Phone numbers involved are as follows:

        +44 7984 157911
        +44 7383 027539
        +44 7418 059676
        +44 7367 054471
        +44 7838 830644
        +44 7412 723845
        +44 7853 122033

      • Report #725262 12/28/2023 at 07:43 PM

        This is a jos asking you to drive will be able to withdraw initially but once you get to higher pay, they will keep giving you negative balace so you have to keep depositing. Thw so called mentor who recruited you will lure to to keep going. There is also a group chat trying to encourage you to find money to get your profit.
        This platform changes website almost everyday. I dont think anyone ever made an effort to catch them so they keep going.

        Url / Website :
        Pseudonym : Celigo

      • martin 01/08/2024 at 08:24 AM

        ive been scammed on this. lost over 2k. stupidly fell into the trap as was only topping up a little which i got back straight away but then they put a freeze on it for 5000usdt. i feel stupid and humiliated.

        seemed ok at first. its the same as "jo" said in her post. you get paid and earn comissoin then they ask more and more. i was stupid enough to think if i cleared it i can get it back. then it went up again.

        cutting my losses on this one

        07951 782024
        07383 027539
        07412 723845
        07418 059676
        07446 594475
        07838 830644
        07853 122033

      • D- 01/09/2024 at 10:15 PM

        Yup it's a scam. I managed to scam them 70$ cuz i made up a story saying i can't deposit rn and asked my mentor to help :D NEVER DEPOSIT MONEY ON IT THEY WILL NEVER GIVE IT BACK

      • Anon0d8 01/11/2024 at 08:12 AM

        Thinking of scamming them too. Get some back

      • Anon0d8 01/11/2024 at 08:23 AM

        Im still in the chat group on whatsapp some of the new joiners are still using it and making withdrawals. Onw admitted to borrowing £4500 to add to their account and got thr money back. Iv3 tried to warn them

      • maxhewitt 01/12/2024 at 06:26 AM

        Hi, pretty sure all the other users in the WhatsApp group are phones owned by the scammers i.e. you will be the only "real" person in the group.

      • Angel 03/31/2024 at 06:50 PM

        How to get money back

        • maxhewitt 04/18/2024 at 12:14 PM

          Hey, sorry to hear that. I never gave away any money as I was always a bit wary. Unfortunately the only way you could get the money back would be to prosecute the scammers in the country they are working from. It will probably be Myanmar/south east asia so you may struggle to mount a case and find the identity of the scammers.

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