Investment scam

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Scam contentsNautical bowls are selling licenses for the business under false pretenses and telling potential clients that the business is an absentee business but this isn’t the case at all. Peter Taunton holds discovery calls telling customers that all stores are open in the green but this can’t be the case with two stores closed in the last two weeks!
Comment / ReviewI contacted the owners of the franchise to request a refund or for them to purchase the three licenses that I was lied to in order for me and others to consider purchasing them. I asked several times about the store closing that I was aware of and were there any concerns about any other stores closing soon and two weeks after paying my franchise fee, two more stores closed it’s doors but I was explained that the owners weren’t engaged and they shouldn’t have quit their jobs to run this absentee business full time.

In addition to the skewed numbers provided in the FDD, it’s not clearly explained that this isn’t quite as accurate because the numbers are based during the pandemic and all the other restaurants were closed due to restrictions so of course sales were high given the circumstances.

  • FDD
  • FDD
  • FDD
  • FDD