Romance Scam Garth Davif

PseudonymGarth Davif
Scam contentsI saw that comment below as a comment to a Facebook page;

'Apologies for dropping this here but it feels too great to visit your timeline, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners Thank you .'

I replied and conversations started flowing. Very shortly a 'friendship' developed. I was aware of potential dangers and kept careful watch. All was wonderful and the 'romance' grew. I learnt that he is an orthopaedic surgeon on contract in Iran. He comes from New York, is a widower with 11year old twins. He owns his house in New York. He also owns a fancy BMW sports car and a Prado four wheel drive - etc. One day he asked me I would buy him an Apple credit card. That was the development I was waiting for! I wrote back and told him he was wonderful, his kids were fabulous and I even liked his dog, I was so priveledged to have him as a friend but one thing I insist on is that there cannot be any financial transactions in our friendship. I got a couple of tearjerker mails saying he cannot pay his internet subscription and he does not want to lose touch with me and he will not be able to stay in touch with his children who are in the USA while he is in Iran. He said an Apple card would only cost $200. I repeated that I had said there would be no financial transactions in our relationship. He replied that maybe I could just get him a Apple card for $100, I replied very firmly NO. I have not heard from him since.
Comment / ReviewSubsequently I started researching any thing I could find out about this man. The message above, I have subsequently found as a reply on comments on at least 5 Facebook posts, mostly on animal welfare related posts. I also Googled the name Garth David and found a Dr Garth Davis. I seems obvious that Garth David is using this man's details. On the Davis man's information I found some references of people mentioning Garth David in Iran. There seems to be some connection. I have all our correspondence on Google Chat. I have not deleted it incase you or anyone else I report this to, needs to look through it. I have been careful throughout this whole thing and have escaped, but I want to protect other people from falling in the trap.

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