Other Scam +447518167728 Y&D YOUDU APPAREL Ltd

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Telephone+44 7518 167728 (ou 00447518167728)
Scam contentsOnline shopping scam
Comment / ReviewI reached their retail website through instagram, then I purchased an item for 24 Euros on 17-11-2021, it has been 3 months now, and I have not received the package.
I sent multiple emails asking about the delivery first then a refund, but they rarely reply, and if they do it is never a definitive answer, they just keep stalling, until they stopped replying.
I never received any package or refund yet or even reply yet.

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      • gaby 09/18/2022 at 01:58 PM

        I placed an order or $35.46 and in return got no delivery, no refund, and not a single answer to all my queries. When will the authorities jump in and arrest these thieves???

      • Report #553410 10/07/2022 at 11:43 AM

        Mettono prezzi stracciati su alcuni prodotti facendoti spendere 20€ ad esempio ma poi non ti arriva nulla e se gli scrivi neanche ti rispondono oppure facendo il recupero credenziali non ti arriva nessuna email
        Non acquistate mai da questo sito mi raccomando

        Url / Website :
        Pseudonym : danilo giovannetti
        Telephone : +393494385840

        • Molnar ramona 12/23/2022 at 02:36 AM

          Meg szeretném kérdezni mikor jön meg a csomagom??

      • Client care a fost furat 11/01/2022 at 08:34 AM

        De asemenea au legutura cu site ul care este un alt site de al lor fraudulos. Dupa ce plătești, primești e mail din partea Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD cu o chitanta și atât. Dacă vrei sa suni la ei, ca nu mai primești coletul, numărul din e mail este inxistent și la adresa de e mail nu răspunde nimeni.

      • Report #562617 11/01/2022 at 08:46 AM

        După ce achiziționezi de pe acest site fraudulos, primești un e mail cu o "chitanta" de la
        Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD și o adresa de e mail la care nu îți răspunde nimeni și un nr de telefon inexistent. Și poți sa aștepți mult și bine coletul ca nu mai apare.
        Nu achiziționați de pe aceste site-uri frauduloase: și

        Url / Website :

        • BN 11/07/2022 at 01:45 PM

          Intr-adevar acest site este fraudulos , insa la email a raspuns cineva, care s-a semnat Leah, si care a elucubrat, cum ca din cauza COVID 19 comenzile ajung greu, ca poti urmari statusul comenzii in background-ul site-ului, ceea ce evident arata ca ii considera tampiti pe cei care cumpara de acolo. Se pare ca firma este pe numele unui chinez.

        • Costy 02/27/2023 at 05:55 PM

          SERVICE YD •


          We have reviewed your order history and are currently processing it.

          Due to the impact of the recent increase in order volume, many items are from orders that need to be cleared. Due to insufficient stock, it is unclear whether your order has been placed. It is expected that the new round of inventory will be replenished within 15-30 working days. Factories and warehouses are currently understaffed and we are stepping up.

          Rest assured, we support an unconditional refund within 90 days. If there is an accident with the order, we can maintain up to 180 days after-sales service and refund within 180 days.

          Any news will let you know. Meanwhile, if you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.

          I wish you a happy life
          Inselatorie dupa ce au luat bani astept de 2 luni comanda

      • Report #563857 11/04/2022 at 05:48 AM

        furniture sale announcement
        non-existent contact data
        payment is made without activating 3d secure
        I think they stole my money!?

        Fraudulent email :
        Url / Website :
        Pseudonym : Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD

      • Moni 11/10/2022 at 02:20 AM

        Și banii cum ți poți lua inapoii

      • adrian pirciu 12/02/2022 at 11:28 AM

        hello, I placed an order with you for a tool kit. ref 543244618436, location K4JK4OZL GB Y D YOUDU APPAREL and I did not receive anything in exchange for the money. what is happening?

      • Tadeusz Baran 01/07/2023 at 01:59 AM

        Do dzisiaj nie otrzymałem zamówionego towaru u Was 11.11.2022r

      • Zk 01/07/2023 at 11:39 AM

        Ja również nie otrzymałem zamówionego towaru- nie mówiąc o zwrocie pieniędzy. Na maile nie odpowiadają zam 16.10.2022 nr 1538-8465. Oszuści.

      • ultra2 01/15/2023 at 02:50 PM

        I placed an order $20, no delivery. It is a big fat SCAM!!! How to get them arrested?

      • Client 01/27/2023 at 01:59 AM

        We also got scammed. My husband ordered something from them 5 months ago and no parcel has arrived. They answered only once to an e-mail saying that it takes 5-7 working days to process the order. No other e-mail since.

      • Lac 01/30/2023 at 07:59 AM

        A reakciókat nézve bottal üthetem az irodaszékem,pedíg jól nézett ki.

      • Report #603151 02/02/2023 at 12:38 PM

        Pokwitowanie od sprzedawcy Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD

        Pokwitowanie nr 1247-9480

        144,00 zł
        31 sty 2023, 17:43:21
        Mastercard - 5808


        Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD × 1 144,00 zł

        Kwota obciążenia 144,00 zł

        climate Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD contributed 0,1% of your purchase to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere.
        Zapłaciłam za zamówienie 144 zł za klatkę dla królika nie dostałam ani towaru ani zwrotu pieniędzy ani też żadnej odpowiedzi na e-mail które wysyłam. Porażka

        Url / Website :
        Pseudonym : Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD

        • Agnieszka trembacz 03/17/2023 at 06:36 AM

          Witaj. Nie otrzymałam od was fotela wiszące ani nadpłaty. Czy to jest fikcyjna firma? Wstyd

        • LUCA 05/24/2023 at 09:32 AM


      • Angela 02/08/2023 at 03:53 AM

        Tak samo zostałam oszukana. Napisali że wysyłka trwa od 5-7 dni. Po jakimś miesiącu od moich ponagleń napisali, że nie ma tego towaru więc zwrócą mi pieniądze w ciągu tygodnia. Niestety kolejne oszustwo. Oczywiście zgłosiłam to, ale na razie bez efektu. Takie firmy powinny byc zamykane razem z banda tych cholernych złodziei

      • Georgy 02/28/2023 at 02:46 AM

        This comment is written in a different language than the report. It is hidden for comfort reasons
        Click here to view it anyway...

      • Rysiek 03/04/2023 at 12:43 PM

        Skurwysyny oszukują i nie ponoszą kary.

      • Report #616838 03/05/2023 at 02:00 AM

        Bună ziua! Am comandat o masa cu 1 scaun după acest site și nu am primit nimic..... Comanda este data după 8 februarie și nu am primit nimik pana acum, nici măcar un răspuns!
        Recenzie 0..... Sunt foarte nemulțumită, fiindcă am plătit cu cardul și nu primesc nici marfa dar nici banii nu mii returnează

        Url / Website :
        Pseudonym : Y&D

      • Report #619357 03/10/2023 at 05:09 AM

        Am comandat o scara multifuncțională în valoare de 73.55 ron și mi au trimis confirmarea pe adresa mea de mail. Nici pana în ziua de astăzi nu am primit nimic.
        They never delivered my package. It s been one and a half month.

        Pseudonym : Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD

      • Sylwia 03/14/2023 at 02:43 PM

        Również zostałam oszukana,zamówiłam 13 grudnia,piszę e-maile i cisza...brak również zwrotu kwoty!!!

      • Report #624283 03/21/2023 at 10:20 AM

        I payed with the card on the site for an troler and that s was in 5 feb and i still wainting and nobody it s responding!
        I need help with this scam.

        Fraudulent email :
        Pseudonym : Y&D YOUDU APPAREL LTD

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