Job Scam
+916263618058 Emily,khayat alena,Muhammad

PseudonymEmily,khayat alena,Muhammad
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Telephone+91 62636 18058 (ou 00916263618058) (Info / Risk score)
Scam contentsWhatams App messages senting for part time job in online, like YouTube chennal subscription every subscription get 25AED. If you agrred they send the telegram account link from their another group created with rules abd explaining the work tasks.
For beginning just send the subscription link and each subscription 10aed and if you completed 4 tasks they will to your accounts 40AEDs.
Then we think and believe wow super they give the money super job.
After dew task completed they going to task for merchants it means they ask us to transfer some to some one account like; transfer 100 aed get back 130aed , 300 aed get back 430aed, 500 to 650 , 3000 - 4500 but 1st two merchants task start with very small amounts only after that increasing the amounts to 5000aed, 10000aed and 22000aeds .
If you made any mistin the merchants they will use that chance to get your all the moneys
Comment / ReviewPlease don't believe this website and telegram groups.

  • Finance manager
  • Merchants task
  • Receptionist role
  • Merchants teacher