Job Scam
Randy Webb

PseudonymRandy Webb
Scam contentsScammers impersonating "First strike Electric" and offering fake jobs.

Official site:
Most likely, the owners have no idea this is going on. Unless you're getting emails from this company domain email address, you can check the box and say it's a scam.
Comment / ReviewFake jobs can go a number of ways, but usually can result in:

1) Fake check scam - the scammer will claim you need to deposit a (fake) check in your bank then send money elsewhere - often for fake work equipment to their "trusted vendors". May also ask for your personal information like drivers license, ID, passport photo etc to be used in identity thief

2) Money Laundering or being a parcel mule
- sending stolen goods to your address
- sending stolen money to your bank account or any financial/crypto accounts you are given or told to open
- asking you to use the funds to then buy gift cards or crypto, leaving you the "fall guy" should authorities investigate

  • Premium services