Investment scam
+12096979157 2nd party intimate “trust me” investment scam

Pseudonym2nd party intimate “trust me” investment scam
Url / Website
Scamdoc Trust Score | Contact / Whois info
Telephone+1 209-697-9157 (ou 0012096979157) (Info / Risk score)
Scam contentsContacted by a female; befriended
In a casual conversation directed to “Shield Investment platform”. You invest money in which it displays your earnings but the moment you begin to withdraw the extortion begins from “congestion fees, fuel fees, whiteboard fees, delayed fees, etc”
Comment / ReviewI held out some hope until today.Sept.2, 2024
I did all they asked so now they simply ignore me.

The female content seems somewhat legit because she did appear to cover “some of the extortion fees” however my faith in her is down since even her numbers at the moment appear to be off line.
The attached files show accounts but I have all communications still in their applications. (Mostly WhatsApp)

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