Investment scam

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Scam contentsCOSMIC-EX.COM
Comment / ReviewThis website is a fake website as part of a pig butchering scam. When you try to withdraw your money, they will accuse you of insider trading then make you pay a security fee to unfreeze your account. The next step is they say you will have to make a deposit that they will hold for your taxes. Then they will tell you that you’re with drawing is going to be processed by a third-party payment party, but you will have to pay a one-time fee as a for third party processing. They will send you a fake wire transfer document then tell you that the third-party payment company has flagged your account as a security risk then make you pay a security fee to unfreeze. if you don't pay them fast enough, they will charge you daily late fees. If you do pay on time then they say they didn't receive the wire transfer, and charge you a custodial fee and in the meantime while you wait to have your bank recall the wire transfer, they will close the account, and offer you an alternate fee. If you do, make all these payments they will ghost you and block your contact.
Any crypto currency you send looks like its going in to your specific account but it is actually dumped in to a general wallet that is why they ask you for proof of deposit.
this is there current BTC address they are using it changes every few months. 3CMb8HVNmyVh7Lpxszw3Xr5H1oMYKRXm99
All the wire transfers are never to cosmic directly instead they are going to shell companies or fake accounts that they will close.

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