Romance Scam

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Scam contentsCounterfeits, false informations and claims, fake signatures and copyright infringements. Nothing contained on the website belongs to the owner of the website.
Comment / ReviewThis website is full and false claims. It was created on 2021, not 2020, as stated on the footer. There's no Tweet or other posy stating the game designer's approvement about this "dispute". Then, who knows ifnthe signatures are reals? And are the merchandises licensed by the game company?

The "movement" was created on Twitter, one of the most toxic social medias to attract desperate Cosmo fans with fan-arts made by other artists to promote their "dispute" against the game company. The owner of the Twitter account and website also takes fan-arts without asking the artists first, no matter the credits.

Aside Twitter (, there is no name to contact, no phone number or mail address.

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