Most seen reports
The original price shown before discount does not match the total savings, i also read the site was recently registered, they are deceiving and products either
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Fraudulent website
Date | 11/20/2023 |
Fraudulent email | |
Pseudonym | Wreme |
Url / Website | Scamdoc Trust Score | Contact / Whois info |
Scam contents | Puffer Cases and Austin Clogs |
Comment / Review | This website is selling replica Puffer Cases, we can clearly see the logo on said cases does not match up with the logo that can be found on the original which you cna check out for yourself here: I found two distinct email addresses on on here, one is not functional and the other was generated through a free email service. It's safe to conclude that this website is selling low quality replicas that you will not be able to return (whether it's the puffer cases or the uggs), since they did not include a physical for their business. This is likely a scam, Stay away.
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