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Romance Scam inkaso-hrvatska
Date | 10/16/2023 |
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Pseudonym | inkaso-hrvatska |
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Scam contents | z mi sada pravno zastupamo tvrtku Paidwings AG, Alte Steinhauserstrasse 1, CH-6330 Cham (ZG). Na žalost niste reagirali na dosadašnje opomene i naloga za placanje. Vi ste bukirali članstvo uz naplatu online community eroninohr. Kod prijave ste naveli Vašu e-mail adresu koja je potvrđena u double-opt postupku. Ta je e-mail adresa također pohranjena, te i od Vas odabrano korisničkoime i IP adresa, koja se koristi na krajnjem uređaju kod bukiranja, kao i Vaši bankovni podaci. Trenutno dugujete našem klijentu iznos od HRK 596,14 (EUR 79,10), koji sadržava i pristojbe i troškove. Potražujemo od Vas da gore navedeni iznos platite, najkasnije do 11.10.2023. Ovdje su još jednom sažeti svi podaci, koji su bitni za plaćanje: Vlasnik računa : Auer Witte Thiel Banka : Postbank (Giro) IBAN : DE76 7001 0080 0005 2018 07 BIC : PBNKDEFFXXX Iznos : EUR 79,10 Predmet : 35623A24837 Možete rado i platiti kreditnom karticom. Kliknite za to na niže navedeni link. Kreditkartenzahlung Paymentlink Auer-Witte-Thiel Ukoliko link za osnovu namještanja Vašeg računala ne bi radio, molimo Vas da otvorite privitak dio _2.html Uz svaku uplatu obavezno uključite broj datoteke 35623A24837. Ne možemo izvršiti vaše plaćanje bez ovog referentnog broja. akođer, imajte na umu da ne možemo prihvatiti čekove. Ukoliko potraženi iznos možete platiti samo u ratama očekujemo primjeren i konkretan prijedlog plačanja unutar gore navedenog roka. S poštovanjem Auer Witte Thiel Odvjetnici Bayerstraße 27 D-80335 München e-pošta: Web: Telefon: +49 (0)89/ 59 06 83 16 (Pon.-pet. od 10.00 do 12.00 sati i 14.00 do 16.00 sati) Telefax: +49 (0)89/ 59 06 83 145 Bankovni podaci: Njemačka: Postbank (Giro) IBAN: DE76 7001 0080 0005 2018 07; BIC: PBNKDEFFXXX Poštovani, ovime prihvaćam dugovanja u visini od 79,10 EUR, te ću prihvatiti sljedeće (molimo označiti): |___| O D G O D A P L A Ć A N J A (Molimo Vas da obratite pažnju na to da je odgoda plaćanja načelno moguća samo najviše mjesec dana) Doznačit ću plativi cjelokupni iznos do najkasnije ............................... . |___| P L A Ć A N J E U O B R O C I M A Doznačit ću plativi cjelokupni iznos u mjesečnim obrocima od ................. ßß, počevši od .............................. . Zahvaljujemo se na Vašem razumijevanju. Uz srdačan pozdrav ............................. ........................................................... (Datum) Information in accordance with article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Identity of the responsible company: Auer Witte Thiel, Bayerstraße 27, 80335 München How to contact the data protection officer: Auer Witte Thiel, data protection officer, Bayerstraße 27, 80335 München, Purpose of processing and legal basis: The data are processed in order to fulfil the contract and in order to prosecute legal actions. An additional purpose that we pursue in processing data is claims management. In accordance with article 6 para. 1 b GDPR, the data is also processed in order to fulfil a contract with your creditor referred to in our letter stating our claims since this also includes the payment obligation. Moreover, in accordance with article 6 para. 1.f GDPR, the data must also be processed to safeguard our legitimate interests or those of a third party. Our legitimate interests relate to the claim against you. Once the outstanding payment has been made or the collection procedure has been concluded, the data will be processed in fulfilment of records retention obligations stipulated in law (article 6 para. 1.c GDPR) Data categories and the origin of the data: We process the following categories of data: master data, communications data, contractual data, data on claims, where applicable, payment information. The data in the categories referred to have been provided to us by the creditors referred to in our statement of claims. Recipients: As part of collection proceedings, we will forward your data to our client, the creditor referred to in our statement of claims, and possibly to the following categories of recipients should this be necessary in order to collect the claim: credit agencies, service providers, third party debtors, local residents' registration offices, the courts, bailiffs, lawyers. Period of time during which data stored: After the outstanding claim has been paid or the collection proceedings have ended and after a period of three years has elapsed, we verify whether we still require your data and whether legal data retention requirements forbid deletion. In this case, your data will be deleted after the legal retention period has ended. The law normally requires that the data be stored for up to ten years. Rights of affected persons: Provided that the conditions stipulated in law apply, you are entitled to the following rights in accordance with articles 15 to 22 GDPR: the right to information, to correct and delete data, to restrict its processing and the right to transfer data. Article 14 para. 2 c in conjunction with article 21 GDPR also entitles you to object to processing based on article 6 para. 1f GDPR. Right to complain to the regulatory authority In accordance with article 77 GDPR, you are entitled to complain to the regulatory authority if you are of the opinion that your personal data has not been processed in accordance with the law. The address of the regulatory authority responsible for our company is: State Office for Data Protection Regulation, Promenade 27, 91522 Ansbach 226855470-AN1EMAIL-226855470-0-0 |01226855470| ... [Message clipped] View entire message |
Comment / Review | na toj stranici sam odbio platit premijum članstvo i sad od mene traže novce za to isto članstvo mada nikad nisam bio premium član niti sam koristio premium uslugu. Onda se javlja lažna agencija Paidwings AG pa potražuje duplo više novaca od intrnet stranice i sad oni prebacuju sve na drugu agenciju inkaso-hrvatska, U međuvremenu sam dobio ponovo poruku od da sam dužan uplatiti dug za prtemium članstvo mada taj navodni dug traže navedene lažne agencije.
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Pomozi29 05/25/2024 at 01:40 PM
Prijatelju molin te odgovori na ovaj komentar s nekim kontaktom