Scam using Paypal

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Scam contentsAm comandat niste pleoape faruri. Pachetul a ajuns la bucuresti posta 63 iar aceasta la predat la toate dovezile ce am in colet si cat am platit si de pe ce sait si nu am rezolvat nimic.
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      • Report #695789 09/30/2023 at 12:49 PM

        Ordered a tshirt. Never received! Scammers!
        Please catch these people

        • Zana 10/11/2023 at 08:22 AM

          This Ordered number16930389793tshirt.armchair. Never received! I have been waiting for a month for the delivery of this order. No tracking information either.
          I'm not rushing you, but the order must arrive!
          On Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 05:29:53 AM

        • Al 11/08/2023 at 08:35 AM

          Ordered a mini car. Never received. Shows as delivered to a different city and now my emails are being bounced back. Scammers indeed.

        • Karen 11/13/2023 at 11:49 AM

          Yes, definitely a scam. I ordered a part for a juice machine. Never got it, and nobody really replied to me.

        • Daniel yosef 11/17/2023 at 02:10 AM

          Stole my money
          never got the order
          and not answering

        • Ashley Chabira 12/06/2023 at 02:44 PM

          Ordered a doll.Order#BBBB23110810300251.Tracking #LR085636957CN.Was delivered in Honolulu Hilo,Hi.Suppost to go to Topeka,KS in the United States.

      • Report #699728 10/11/2023 at 12:32 PM

        Zamówiłam zabawkę Furby Tiger. Zapłaciłam 40.88 $. Po jakimś czasie otrzymałam numer przesyłki. Wg śledzenia dotarła ona do Słupska, nie do Krakowa i była adresowana do zupełnie innej osoby. Napisałam maila,cze podano mi błędny numer przesyłki. Otrzymałam zapytanie czy chce otrzymać jak najszybciej drugą przesyłkę. Miałam dostać nowy numer śledzenia. Nie otrzymałam więc poprosiłam o zwrot pieniędzy. Odpisano mi, żebym się nie martwiła, że otrzymam zwrot na kartę...
        Straciłam i pieniądze i prezent dla wnuka. Najgorsze jest to, że firma była pokazana jako Hasbro, więc wiarygodna, a okazała się oszustwem

        Url / Website :

        • Davide 10/18/2023 at 03:02 AM

          This comment is written in a different language than the report. It is hidden for comfort reasons
          Click here to view it anyway...

        • raphs 12/26/2023 at 06:24 AM

          Ja równiez nie otrzymalem zamówionej przenosnej silowni Gonex, która jak sie okazalo z podanego numeru przesylki, dotarla pod inny adres 300 km ode mnie i zostala przez kogos odebrana. Napisalem wiadomosc do firmy i od tygodnia cisza. Wyglada to na jakies przekrety...

      • Report #700862 10/15/2023 at 10:19 AM

        Purchased a dress from their website in dollars and never received the item
        I tried emailing them a number of times but and never heard back

        Url / Website :

      • Knud 10/21/2023 at 03:11 AM

        Have not received order after two months. No response to mails, so I consider it a hoax/ scam

      • Sylgo 11/22/2023 at 09:46 PM

        Have not received order after almost two months ,and today i receive notice that it had been delivered to an address that is not mine.It has that email couldnt get in touch with them. They really got me.Im so upset.

      • Sheronica 11/29/2023 at 11:37 AM

        I placed an order on Oct 28th, and got tracking info finally, been tracking package and NOW it says delivered to Garland Texas, I am in Georgia. No response to my numerous emails I have sent.. PLEASE BEWARE! I think I got scammed :(

      • ak 11/29/2023 at 07:12 PM

        Just had the same experience, says shipped to another state and no response to multiple emails requesting assistance. will be canceling my credit card bill.

      • Iris Michels 12/17/2023 at 12:43 PM

        I have payed for a jeanscloth, wich never come to me since 1 month!
        I also get my money not back!
        My lot of e-mails would not answered!
        What can I do anymore?
        I. Michels

      • جود 12/27/2023 at 11:17 PM

        موقع احتيال لم يتم استلام طلبي واوهموني برقم تتبع غير صحيح😭

      • جود 12/27/2023 at 11:23 PM

        موقع احتيال لم يتم استلام طلبي واوهموني برقم تتبع غير صحيح

        رابط الموقع ارجو الحذر منهم
        ‏The link to the site, please be careful of them.
        Scam site My order was not received and they made me an incorrect tracking number😭

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