Phishing Lowe’s

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Scam contents“Congratulations! You've been chosen to receive a brand new Dewalt Power Station! To claim, simply answer a few quick questions regarding your experience with us”
Comment / ReviewYou receive an email that looks like it’s from Lowe’s, and it tells you that you’ve been randomly selected to participate in a survey for a chance to win a reward. The whole email is an image with a link embedded in it. Click on the image/link, and you’ll be immediately directed to this website: <— this is where you’ll do the survey. Once you’ve finished answering the questions, you’ll automatically “win” the reward. Click on “Claim Now”, and you’ll be redirected to a different website: <— this is where you’ll be asked to provide some of your personal information: your name, home address, email address, and phone number. Once you’ve provided this info, then you click “Continue”, you’ll be redirected to a different page on the same website: <— this is where you’ll be asked to provide your credit card information so that you can “pay for shipping fees”.

Do *NOT* actually do any of this. I only followed through with it (I did *not* provide any of my real info) so that I’d be able to give a thorough explanation of how these emails end up being phishing scams. If you receive an email like this, ignore it or delete it - scammers like to send these emails to try to trick you into believing it, hoping that you’ll be willing to follow all of the steps and eventually give them your personal & credit card information, as well as your money (i.e., “shipping fees”).

  • The email.
  • The survey website.
  • The final website asks for personal info.
  • …It also asks for credit card info.
  • More info +
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