Most seen reports
The original price shown before discount does not match the total savings, i also read the site was recently registered, they are deceiving and products either
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Fraudulent website
Date | 07/14/2023 |
Fraudulent email | |
Url / Website | |
Scam contents | We value all our customers: Our professional customer service team is always here to help you. Your satisfaction is our top priority! Moreover, you can easily get your order anywhere in the world thanks to our worldwide shipping service! Enjoy your shopping. |
Comment / Review | This website seems to be selling sneakers and sports apparel items but the deals that they are offering just seem way too good to be true. No one is going to sell you a pair of Air Max sneakers for less than 10 dollars unless it's a replica or they are not planning to ship a thing to you anyways. This website is managed by the shell company Fadel Beatty Limited, which is a fraudulent company that's notorious for creating fake online stores that have nothing in stock yet still charges your card, they sometimes go as far as to send fake shipment tracking emails. Stay away
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