Fraudulent website

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Scam contentsNot receiving the goods I ordered.
Comment / ReviewI ordered 2 linen shirts about a month ago from an online webshop, While waiting, they sent me a tracking number from the email: showing the shipment status. In that tracking status, the shipment was coming from the US, which I doubt it. In the confirmation email I received from them after placing the order, I saw a different tracking number that came from Xborder. The whole thing started to raise my suspicious. So, I emailed them asking where my order was, and the answer I received it was still in transit (and that is after 3 weeks). I ordered a product with a foreign webshop before, it took roughly two weeks to get to the Netherlands from China, it doesn't take this long. This is just a scam. Imagine how much money they are scamming off people by doing this, by making up numerous websites that look appealing to consumers. I should have known better. I sent them another email, but no answer. Now I am just hoping no more people will fall for this.

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