How to avoid scams on the internet?

Details / precisionsThe best way to avoid scams of any kind is to remain vigilant. Online criminals are always improving their methods and getting better at stealing and scamming. A foolproof way of knowing what to do is to use search engines to find websites where you can review and report scams. Doing research is always a big part of avoiding trouble.

At the same time, you should avoid putting all your eggs in one basket, like using the same password all the time, giving away your information, or uploading important documents (such as an ID) online carelessly.

Scammers usually rely on sham sites to steal your information. That’s why shopping on reliable websites is a must.

Where can I shop online?

The best way to avoid scams on the internet is to visit websites you can trust. Paying attention to where links get you is also important: you may be using a social media platform (such as Instagram or Twitter), click a URL, and end on a scammer’s website.

When in doubt, close the website and shop elsewhere. If you’re not sure about the website but wish to continue forwards anyway, make sure you don’t use your usual password. With that being said, it’d be ideal if you had multiple passwords instead of relying on one alone.

How should I manage my passwords?

Having to use strong passwords should come as no surprise to nobody. The perfect password is more than ten characters long, has uppercase and lowercase letters, and includes numbers and special characters.

One strong password is not enough. Three or more is ideal. That way, falling for one scam doesn’t compromise your other accounts.

An easy way to remember multiple passwords is to use phrases from songs or books. At the same time, using a password manager helps.

Scammers can get your passwords if they know your personal information.

When is it okay to share personal information?

The number one goal of scammers is stealing someone’s money; their number two goal is getting their information.

It’s easy for criminals to obtain credit card numbers and bypass secure payment processors if they have access to someone’s personal information. Name, date of birth, location, and a few more details are never to be shared. The one exception is when going through payment processing on a secure site.

Banks, credit card companies, and similar will never ask for information first. They will always wait for a call or contact from a client – and they will solicit one piece of information alone to confirm the caller’s identity. Sham websites also exist to obtain information from people.

What types of sites should I avoid?

The easiest way to avoid online scams is to surf and shop on secure and trusted sites alone. Scammers will try to convince you to visit their websites by promising prizes or simulating popular sites.

Visiting websites you know and treading carefully on untrustworthy ones may save you from falling for a scam. At the same time, taking the time to check a website, carefully reading its URL, and making sure the site uses secure payment processors is fundamental to telling a trustworthy website from a scam.

That doesn’t mean you should shop with multinational companies alone. Check for reviews and ratings online before shopping somewhere for the first time.
