Most seen reports
The original price shown before discount does not match the total savings, i also read the site was recently registered, they are deceiving and products either
Latest reviews (all sites)
Fraudulent website
Date | 06/19/2024 |
Pseudonym | pretending to be ringgo parking |
Url / Website | Scamdoc Trust Score | Contact / Whois info |
Scam contents | pretending to be a car parking app called |
Comment / Review | this website comes up when you search for ringgo parking, i was in a hurry at the station and got scammed, although they only took £1 they have kept my card details and have set up a subscription to take money each month, i've no idea what the subscription is for, obviously i've taken all the necessary precautions at the bank, the money is taken from a company called MEETINGSPLAN.COM
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