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The original price shown before discount does not match the total savings, i also read the site was recently registered, they are deceiving and products either
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Fraudulent website
Date | 05/20/2024 |
Fraudulent email | |
Pseudonym | powersseller |
Url / Website | Scamdoc Trust Score | Contact / Whois info |
Scam contents | At we love every passion and interest on Earth . And to spread exactly that is our core vision: To help you Express Yourself. To support you at Since we know you want all sorts of custom products, we got you covered with highly professional suppliers and production houses that we keep in close contact with and vet daily so that they fulfill our intense selection process. No matter where you are, who you are and what you are passionate about we want to be able to provide you with custom products that help you. Express Yourself to help you express who you really are! |
Comment / Review | The website claims to be selling clothes at low prices however it's a scam website The website is linked to a network of scam websites made by scammers who aim at stealing people's money by offering low prices The email address provided does not match the domain name and is connected to another deceptive website. The pictures, content, data and many other details have been stolen from other sources. Please be careful and do not trust this website with your money.
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