Investment scam
+6580869560 Cheng Sky Will/Hanna Zheng

PseudonymCheng Sky Will/Hanna Zheng
Url / Website
Scamdoc Trust Score | Contact / Whois info
Telephone+65 8086 9560 (ou 006580869560) (Info / Risk score)
Scam contentsDisguised as dropshipping website affiliated with Lazada. Scheme is to pay for the orders first and when the item is delivered, your capital plus 15% interest will return to your wallet.
Comment / ReviewI connected with Cheng in Bumble and we moved our conversation to WhatsApp. I was proposed with this business deal and lost 2k usd. I was even contacted by 2 different numbers each one pretending that the number was hacked.

+60 17-662 3240
+65 80869560

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