Lottery Scam
Julie Leach

PseudonymJulie Leach
Url /
Scam contentsShe said she was giving away lottery money. I have her on my Friends list as of last night.
Comment / ReviewI had a different supposed lottery winner attempt the same thing earlier yesterday, and I blocked them.

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    • Report #675255 08/08/2023 at 07:05 PM

      She is giving out $100,000 to each of her followers 1st 500

      Pseudonym : Julie leach

    • Report #680879 08/23/2023 at 11:01 PM

      Now posing as Julie , this person is on Facebook claiming they are giving $100,000 to the first 200 followers

      Just watch yourselves

      Pseudonym : Julie leach

    • Report #700099 10/12/2023 at 01:42 PM

      It's through Facebook messenger from Buffy Thomas wants me to get a $200 Apple card to get $40.000 Dollars I have had several people message me asking me to send them the $200 Apple card to receive this lotto money thank you kindly Ed
      Please let me know if this is a scam thank you kindly Edward Hogue

    • Birgitta kullberg 02/19/2024 at 09:40 AM

      hi , i get a messing from julie leach that she vill giv avay tou me 200.000 dollars, an tou get them i have tou pay 100 dollar tou her , i am a freid this is not tru so ther for , i writh her

      plis tell me

      if et a scam ore not

    • Report #755490 04/08/2024 at 12:38 PM

      Said she was going to send me $50,000 and I kept texting with them and now know it's a scam.
      Someone claiming to be Julie Leach texting me on Tik Tok and said she was going to send me $50,000. After texting a while I knew it was a scam.

    • Report #772323 06/16/2024 at 09:51 AM

      He claimed that she was randomly choosing me for $100,000 and then turned me over to a FedEx employee supposedly where I was to give him $50 at this moment they're still waiting for me to send them $50 I told them it'd be sometime between 11:00 and 2:00 today and I'm on my way to go to church so the floor still open I'm not sure what I should do obviously not send the money

      Telephone : +12105944164

    • Report #776679 07/06/2024 at 08:51 PM

      Julie Leach is offering 20,000$ to all of her X followers. But you have to pay a 100$ activation fee. But it doesn’t stop there. Once you pay the 100$. She asks for more and more. Claiming she made a mistake. Her text messages are very unclear. Blaming you for the mistakes. She has a manager that you have to send money too. There are several people she uses as contacts. Beware of her. She’s sneaky and I doubt I’ll ever get my money back.
      Don’t fall for this scam. She is not an honest person

    • Chat 08/09/2024 at 08:28 AM

      This scam is on Twitter now.

    • Frederick Wamsley 09/14/2024 at 04:51 PM

      September 13, 14 th text recieved from a person saying thAat she is Julie Leach she wanted $561.00 for a taxes on a Debit card for $45,000 she setup and account on Empower Personal Dashboard. The account was put in my name and a password was setup for by her, then i looked it up said it was a scam.
      look out for email:

      and phone number 1(765) 536-0451 this is suppose to be her driver.

    • Patrick 09/21/2024 at 10:18 AM

      She tried this with me too. Early stage, just the communication asking for all kinds of personal information. It's. Pity, I could use the $100k to help my son in the hospital, but alas.

    • Biker Jorge 10/11/2024 at 03:18 PM

      The same has happened to me. $150,000 $250 is required via Apple card to pay closing fees.
      I refused.

    • Julie 12/01/2024 at 12:47 PM

      There are now 7-8 accounts on X "Julie Leach". This is a scam. The real Julie lives in Hawaii with her husband enjoying life.

    • chii-tan 12/01/2024 at 01:37 PM

      The names will always change - these are just advance fee scams. You pay the "fee" to obtain the fake money, then they ghost or come up with more excuses so you can pay the scammer more.

    • Report #815783 01/12/2025 at 07:33 AM

      On TikTok claims Julie Leach will send money if a fee is paid. First 500$ then another 700$. I fell for the first 5.
      Using pictures and Julie Leach inf. very effectively. Asking a fee, first 500$ and then another 700$.
      I fell for the first 500$.

    • Tim 01/15/2025 at 06:42 PM

      She fucked me royal after 600 sent nothing in return

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