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Date | 09/22/2023 |
Fraudulent email | |
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Scam contents | taken money from my bank account without authorization. |
Comment / Review | Saw an ad on facebook about an overstock of laptops at the warehouse. sign up and pay $3.49 to have one delivered within days. Did a quick check on some of the supposed winners. A day later I have $44.99 taken from my bank account as a monthly subscription. Emailed them and reply was login to account and unsubscribe. i tried logging in with what wouldve been my email and password and nothing is recognized. email account OR password. Therefore I cant unsubscribe from a supposed subscription that i dont remember having.
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Report #406096 10/20/2021 at 04:01 AM
Hediye telefon vadiyle para çekme istenmeyen abonelik iptal olmayan dolandırıcılıkcılık
Vu sitenin çokertilmesi yakalanması magdurlarin uyelik aboneliklerin iptal olması alinan paranın geri verilmesi
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Report #655582 06/14/2023 at 09:32 AM
There was a pop up notification, apparently for a contest.
The only clause was to pay a fee of 2 CHF to take part to the contest.
However, there was no contest at all, and they tricked me into subscribing to a website while I never wanted to.
Extremely difficult to unsubscribe. I had to block the credit card
There was a pop up notification, apparently for a contest.
The only clause was to pay a fee of 2 CHF to take part to the contest.
However, there was no contest at all, and they tricked into subscribing to a website while I never wanted to.
I had 3 days trial before a charge would be taken from my credit card.
I proceeded with the unsuscription BUT the website carried on saying that they did not recognize my credit card (fraud!). I then contacted the support center and they made the unsubscription, but a fee of 55 USD was charged from my CC anyway. I had to block the Credit Card.
Definitely a fraud!
Url / Website :
up votedown vote
Munywoki shilla 03/27/2024 at 06:41 AM
I would like to unsubscribe
up votedown vote
Val 12/02/2023 at 07:31 AM
Facebook - An imitation website of Vienna Airport sells forgotten suitcases for €1.99. In the end, you end up with a subscription to, which charges €1.99 to your credit card. The money was transferred to Cyprus. I had the credit card blocked immediately. This is definitely a scam.
up votedown vote
Sammy 02/06/2024 at 09:59 AM
Din greseala sa creat un abonament(tin sa anunt datele cardului erau deja salvate în telefon)în fiecare luna se eliminau 29€ din cont am blocat cardul.Acum îmi vine mesaje pe telefon ,,Card blocat:tranzactie suspecta în CYP"ar fi bine sa le fie blocata si pagina si contul lor
up votedown vote
Sammy 02/06/2024 at 10:02 AM
Le-am trimis mesaj pe email pentru a sterge abonamentul deoarece nu m-am folosit de el și nici nu am nevoie.Nici un răspuns
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Report #780761 07/26/2024 at 12:34 PM
Mando la mail x annullare iscrizione e mi dicono di farlo dal loro sito e che avrei recuperato questa info negli addebiti quindi allego screen i riferimenti che non portano a nulla, come faccio ad annullare che continuano a prelevare soldi.. siamo quasi a 50 euro.
Chi può aiutarmi? Non riedco a risalire al sito, qualcuno puo fornirmi un link di collegamento?
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Owigut 09/20/2024 at 12:17 PM
Definitely CyberCrime! Cancel your CC and get a new one. Apply at your bank to return the stolen amount back to your CC.
We gave notice to German police (Wiesbaden, Hassia) and Cyprus police in Sep 2024.
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Report #801238 11/06/2024 at 09:22 AM
J'ai gagner un colis mystérieux du site Shein, pour le recevoir je devais juste payer les frais d'envois d'une valeur de 2,99€ .
Apparemment j'aurai accepter un abonnement qui sera prélevé sur mon compte tous les mois d'une somme de 45€ .
Alors que tu devais etre gratuit et ne payer que les frais d'envoi.. je ne sais pas comment faire pour annuler la transactions? Et que les prélèvements ne s'effectue pas.
Merci par avance en espérant que vous trouverez une solution à mon problème. ...
Je n'ai pas encore eu les 45€ prélevé, donc je n'ai perdu que 2.99€
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