Phishing +447459624826 Tracey Wilson, Gia Lopez

PseudonymTracey Wilson, Gia Lopez
Url / Website
Telephone+44 7459 624826 (ou 00447459624826) (Info / Risk score)
Scam contentsA page that contain a fedex order to transfer money "into your account"
Comment / ReviewThe scamer contact you for a product that you wanna sell, then because is to far away and he cannot vome in person to colect the product is "hiring" a courier (Fed-Ex) in my case, and "through theyr app" with a link to receive your money. After you put your bank account details to recive the money they put you on waiting list "due to high numbers of orders".

    • Reviews and comments left by Internet users are sorted in chronological order and are not checked a priori

      • Jessie 01/30/2024 at 07:09 AM

        This is an actual scammer woman, if u are selling an item she will send u a link to a courier website which will prompt u to put in bank details so u can receive payment for the item. They take ur bank details and attack ur account

      • Kim Glover 07/01/2024 at 01:16 PM

        Thanks for the heads up. Seemed dodgy for a £35 appliance. I declined and she said ok. Phew

      • Report #776105 07/03/2024 at 05:53 PM

        Fake buyer from Gum Tree. Tried to gain credit card details using shiply link.
        Fake buyer from Gum Tree. Tried to gain credit card details using shiply link sent through Whatsapp.

        Pseudonym : Tracey Wilson

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