Job Scam

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Comment / ReviewThis site: woot95 I think it's a scam.
They proposed me if I invest money on this site then I can get more money on buying products just for sake of increasing products ratings.
I deposited equal amount in 20 usd in their website in hope of getting extra money, the problem is then they increased the products price so they urge you to deposit more money in order to complete the task of buy some imaginary products,and they don't allow you to stop and getting your money back until you finish many tasks set by them; and further task it requests to deposit more money,and guess what happens next? Either you no longer have the money necessary to deposit further to complete all the tasks or I guess you lose all the money in some way.
Be careful with these websites asking to invest in products for increasing products ratings, you might lose your money and waste your time.
And be careful of other websites with different names and figures( woot95,woot96,woott70,amaon66,....etc) they all might be using the same way to scam others.

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