Investment scam

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Scam contentsThis is a scam of a platform - I had already had to deposit $431 in order to complete my evaluations then 10 evaluations to go and I then have to pay $882 to complete - took me weeks but I scraped together the money and now I’ve got that thing again and I have to pay $3285.66 to be able to complete my final 4 evaluations - I will have to now kill myself so my husband can get my super benefits in order to pay this!!!!!
Comment / ReviewThis is a scam of a platform - I had already had to deposit $431 in order to complete my evaluations then 10 evaluations to go and I then have to pay $882 to complete - took me weeks but I scraped together the money and now I’ve got that thing again and I have to pay $3285.66 to be able to complete my final 4 evaluations - I will have to now kill myself so my husband can get my super benefits in order to pay this!!!!!

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