Investment scam
adbf4bf3 on discord

Pseudonymadbf4bf3 on discord
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Somebody on discord said that I won something, I get a code and with that, I could get 0.8 BTC. I try it and the website look really professional so I decided to get my account ready. I verify with my ID and such things and I tried to withdraw my fund but it requires 0.015 BTC or 0.33 eth what's equal to 500 dollars at this time. To get your money or (fake money) you had to deposit this 500 dollars to this wallet before you could withdraw it. I Didn't do that of course but I send my ID and picture. So I'm angry at myself that I did that. But ok I did not send 500 dollars so I don't know if it's worth it or not but I think this is not legit. and I don't want to lose 500 just for proving me right. I try also the support of this and they only answer with if you don't deposit 500 dollars you can not withdraw. so I'm really convinced this is fake and want to put it down but I can't. So please don't go to this website I don't think this is legit. I try to find some things on google but find nothing of this scam

the man was on discord with nickname :adbf4bf3

And if I'm wrong prove me wrong.

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