Lottery Scam +77272583177

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Telephone+7 7272 58 31 77 (ou 0077272583177)
Scam is scam !!!Fiduciary agent Almas Aidosov Hello Mr. Dino Stefanov Stoykov. Thank you for your answer. I contacted JSC "Zaman Bank" and found out that the funds have been transferred to your temporary checking account, I ask you to check your balance. Also regarding the transfer, you may have incorrectly entered the transfer data and for this reason you were notified of the error. I ask you to enter the data carefully.
I will be glad to help you with all your questions. Thank you for choosing us.

Yours faithfully, Almas Aidosov.
JSC "eLOTO" Fiduciary agent.
+77 272 58 3177
Comment / ReviewSupport Service Mr. Dino Stefanov Stoykov.

We have processed your request. I hasten to inform you that we have received a signed contract to open a temporary checking account in your name. As soon as security checks it out, we will notify you.

• Website:
• Support Email:
• Phone: +77 272 58 3011

    • Reviews and comments left by Internet users are sorted in chronological order and are not checked a priori

      • Report #489657 04/24/2022 at 03:07 PM

        They are talking about the bank which is main bank and winnings are paid to this bank

        Who is cheating?
        Yours faithfully, Medyanik Timofey.
        JSC "eLOTO" Fiduciary agent.
        +77 272 58 3177

        This is shit, number not in use

        Fraudulent email :
        Telephone : +358407121924

      • Report #514334 06/23/2022 at 04:21 PM

        Mr. Hannu. I am an official representative of the company "eLOTO", I have already tried to contact you several times, but I have not received any feedback from you. Please take the time for your reply and email me, I have important information for you. You are the sole owner of the winning ticket, our payout department must make a payment on your winnings.
        Note: You can request the payout of your winnings in two ways, below I have provided the necessary information about the withdrawal of funds...
        That is letter to me: Hey! What's up? You can call me Vera. I am 34. I'm a responsible, self-sufficient and cheerful woman. I don't want something games or some thing like that. If you are really a decent man, thirty five+, I will be glad to see your email and foto as soon as possible.. This is my latest picture for you. Have a wonderful mood! This is my last picture. Have a good day! Hope to see your letter soon! Vera from Kazakhstan.


        Hi Hannu. It seems that I forgot to tell you about my little gift. I decided to make you a surprise. Every week I buy in five lottery tickets in the hope of ripping a big win. And today, I decided to buy a few lottery tickets on your email. When I bought a lotto tickets, I had a thought in mind, namely, why don't I buy lotto tickets for you? This is my surprise! the big winnings are not often, but I have already won more than 1000 euros several times, but this does not happen as often as we would like, usually no more... Read more

        • Abii 06/24/2022 at 02:43 AM

          A clear as day phishing attempt. Don't reply to the email with any of the information they ask of you, either delete it or ignore it.

        • Hannu62 06/25/2022 at 04:21 PM

          and that continue...Mr. Hannu. The company JSC "eLOTO" officially notifies you. According to Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006, if the winnings are not claimed by the owner within 30 working days, the funds can be withheld in favor of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan. If you refuse to receive the prize, the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan reserves the right to initiate an administrative case to deprive you of the rights of the rightholder of this prize unilaterally.
          Please contact me and provide me with all the required data for the processing of your winnings. Otherwise your actions will be considered as a refusal of your winnings. Please do not delay in submitting the required data, below you will find the data required for the processing of your winnings:
          Full name :
          Full Address :
          You can also visit our official website: If you forgot your password you can request to restore your password or contact me and ask for consultation.

          Yours faithfully, Nurbolat Kairatov.
          JSC "eLOTO".
          +77 272 58 3177

          New; Mr. Hannu. The company JSC "eLOTO" officially notifies you. According to Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006, if the winnings are not claimed by the owner within 30 working days, the funds can be withheld in favor of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan. If you refuse to receive the prize, the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan reserves the right to initiate an administrative case to deprive you of the rights of the rightholder of this prize...Read more

        • Hannu62 06/25/2022 at 04:23 PM

          Mr. Hannu. I am an official representative of the company "eLOTO", I have already tried to contact you several times, but I have not received any feedback from you. Please take the time for your reply and email me, I have important information for you. You are the sole owner of the winning ticket, our payout department must make a payment on your winnings.
          Note: You can request the payout of your winnings in two ways, below I have provided the necessary information about the withdrawal of funds. Please fill in the information and send it to me in a reply message for processing your data.
          The information requested by company "JSC "eLOTO"" is required for official registration of You as a winner in the milestones required by the law of Kazakhstan of state bodies. You need to fill in all the Fields above and I can start processing the payment of Your winning.

          Withdrawal by Bank Cheque
          Full Name:
          Full Address:

          Withdrawal by Wire Transfer
          Bank Name:
          Bank Account Holder Name:
          Bank SWIFT CODE (Routing Number / Transit Number):
          Bank Account Number:

          Best respect, Payment Manager, Nurbolat Kairatov.
          JSC "eLOTO". +77 272 58 3177

        • Hannu62 06/25/2022 at 04:24 PM

          Good afternoon Mr. Hannu. I have some news for you, please read my message carefully. I must inform you that we have received an appeal from Ms Vera Ignashina, do you know this Kazakh national? In her appeal, she is claim ownership of your winning ticket 82661515, draw number: 1121, date of drawing: 2022-16-06, winning amount: 422525.00 USD. According our information, winning ticket was created and gifted to your email address. Your registration as a winner has now been entered into the national register and we would ask you to contact us to collect your winnings and provide us with the details for processing your winnings.

          Best respect, Nurbolat Kairatov.
          JSC "eLOTO".
          +77 272 58 3177

        • Hannu62 06/25/2022 at 05:08 PM

          I went and checked those numbers and yes ... those numbers won that amount…
          i get that winning ticket....
          draw number...
          and he ask; I have some news for you, please read my message carefully. I must inform you that we have received an appeal from Ms Vera Ignashina, do you know this Kazakh national? In her appeal, she is claim ownership of your winning ticket..
          and i visit that eLoto site and check numbers and numbers is


        • Hannu62 06/25/2022 at 05:11 PM

          either it's a vicious scam or not ..

        • Abii 06/27/2022 at 03:40 AM

          I still think it's a scam because why would anyone donate their winning ticket to a random stranger online...and even if it were true and you do own the ticket now, why would they ask you to send your bank account information? If you have a winning ticket you'd just have to cash it out directly from the lottery place i imagine...

        • Hannu62 06/27/2022 at 04:07 AM

          I do not know. The woman said she had bought me a lottery as a gift and Kairatov said in a letter that this woman would now like it back for herself. But I found a similar script where a woman had bought a lottery lottery for a man:
          - re: re:
          Good day xxxxx. I want to surprise you. I have registered your lottery ticket name and email address.
          Sometimes emails from the lottery fall into the spam folder. So be sure to check your spam folder for a message from the lottery company.
          Don't miss this message. Anyway, just the one who doesn’t play anyone, and I like the feeling of excitement I get in the lottery game.
          I’m always a realist, but I’ve won over a thousand euros, but this happens no more than 1-2 times a year.
          Very often, Often this lottery message comes in the spam folder. So be sure to check your spam folder for a message from the lottery company.

          Please do not miss this email. I thought I could make my gift to you and I felt it would be a great idea. I hope you enjoyed my gift.
          I will send you aa warm hug and gentle kisses from Anastassia.

          This is similar to the one sent to me.

        • Abii 06/27/2022 at 04:14 AM

          All the more reason to think it's a scam.

        • Hannu62 06/28/2022 at 05:31 AM

          I think same. I get yeasterday message from vera ans she ask; you know you win big money and not possibly take that sum in here kazakstan. I answer and send this message what i send to here...Lotto win.

        • Dog 07/10/2022 at 01:43 PM

          Onderwerp: Notification for Mr. #####

          Good afternoon Mr. #####. I have some news for you, please read my message carefully. I must inform you that we have received an appeal from Ms. Anna, do you know this Kazakh national? In her appeal, she is claim ownership of your winning ticket 18195823, draw number: 1075, date of drawing: 2022-01-05, winning amount: 464787.00 USD. According our information, winning ticket was created and gifted to your email address. Your registration as a winner has now been entered into the national register and we would ask you to contact us to collect your winnings and provide us with the details for processing your winnings.
          Yours faithfully, Zamir Zarbaev.
          JSC E-Lotto KZ.
          +77 272 58 3177

        • Hannu62 07/10/2022 at 02:08 PM

          Anna?? Who is Anna?is same information what Kairatov send to me, its only person name different...Zamir..kairatov...scammers only

        • Zai 09/06/2022 at 06:51 AM

          I also received email exactly the same as "Hannu62" and "Dog" same phone number, buy lotto lottery ticket Anastasia ,agent name Bulat Kim.The problem I still contact with them asking to pay insurance money 1450usd.I have the money to pay since I read the above report not going to pay.I do not need liabrate report it exactly the same person scammer.

        • Leo 03/28/2023 at 01:55 PM

          Was just scammed by - the person Rustem Sadukov presented me with a winning to=icket who was given to me as a present from woman Anastasia. Mr. Rustem Sadikov, Fiduciary Agent for KazBingo.KZ told me no charges to me - None. I agreed. the first charges appeared because Finance Ministry need passport for winning from the bank. I paid by Westen union $1790 for Passport. Got it sign it. Second charge to pay commissions to the bank CDBK Bank in the amount of $7990. I said OK I lost posit it is a scam. My account was closed - $437090 were sent to Treasury Department of Kazakhstan. Do you think it was another 100 % scam?

      • Report #541286 09/03/2022 at 06:47 PM

        sab 27 ago, 00:46 (8 giorni fa)
        a info

        Hi, I am an Italian citizen .. I won the Eloto Lottery about 3 months ago .. the sum of the winnings is deposited at the JSC Zamas Bank in a temporary-provisional account .. in my name ... of which I am not a Kazakhstan citizen .. I can log in to my account .. see the amount of my winnings .. the Zamas Bank gave me the credentials ... but I can't do anything .. I can only withdraw the whole amount .. by paying a Transaction Fee ...
        Hi .. I have told you this whole story .. to make you understand .. what happened to me .... I don't know whether to pay this Transaction Fee of Euro 2180 .. for the withdrawal of the Eloto lottery winnings. .this commission I have to pay .. believing that Zamas Bank was withholding it from winning the lottery .. in a provisional account that will expire on September 29th .. at JSC Zamas Bank .. I am in contact with a Consultant of the Company. Eloto .. Mrs. Almas Tairov who told me all this .. then she gave me the credentials of the Attorney always of the Eloto Lottery Company ... given by himself .. so she tells me .. to do this I transfer to him and then Almas will give my money to the Zamas Bank and within 72 hours I will receive the transfer of the Eloto Lottery win .. Now my question is the following ... Is it all true? I only have links and emails from this Mrs. Almas .. from the Zamas Bank..I sent an email to the Advocate's Bank to let them tell me .. if he... Read more

      • Report #557904 10/19/2022 at 04:36 PM

        Hello Mr. M. Thanks for your reply. I have received information from the payout department regarding your winnings. I have good news for you. Our company has transferred the funds from your winnings to your temporary bank account in Kazakhstan. You should have received a notification from the partner bank about the opening of your temporary bank account. I also attach a transaction ID to this email, by which you can track the status of the transaction to your temporary bank account in Kazakhstan...
        this is fake email.dont trust guys

        Fraudulent email :
        Url / Website :

      • Report #585383 12/27/2022 at 03:56 AM

        Dobrý deň.Bol som zaregistrovaný v
        Vyhral som tam veľkú čiastku peňazí ktorú mi Eloto previedlo do Zaman-bank 20.6.2022
        Vydel som môj účet až do 24.12.2022 mi neišlo sa prihlásiť na môj účet,kde som mal vysokú výhru z
        Viete my vysvetlit aký je to podvod ?
        Už asi nemôžem tejto banke veriť !
        Vyriešite ten problém !!!

        Fraudulent email :
        Telephone : +421944266233

      • Štefan 12/28/2022 at 03:23 AM

        This comment is written in a different language than the report. It is hidden for comfort reasons
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      • Štefan 12/28/2022 at 04:49 AM

        Good day.
        I want information from you.
        I won $453,192.96 US dollars with you in
        You sent my winnings to Zaman-bank and my account with my money disappeared!
        I want information from you, where I have my winnings?
        Kalamen Štefan

      • antonio 10/18/2023 at 11:37 AM

        This comment is written in a different language than the report. It is hidden for comfort reasons
        Click here to view it anyway...

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